Home Beauty How To Be Pretty (Inside And Out)

How To Be Pretty (Inside And Out)

by Victoria

Want to know how to be pretty? Today, I’ll show you how to improve not only your appearance, but also your life, so you look and feel your best!

We all want to feel beautiful. The real secret to a beautiful life comes from a combination of taking care of yourself inside and out.

True beauty happens when you’re healthy, happy and feeling good. Feeling beautiful and attractive can help improve your self confidence, courage and self love. Everyone deserves to feel pretty and good about themselves.

If you’re not feeling pretty or attractive, these tips will help you look (and feel) more beautiful!

Beautiful & Attractive People De-Stress

Pretty people know how to manage stress! Stress wrecks havok on your appearance.

Your skin reacts to stress with inflammation, decreased blood flow, allergic reactions such as hives, acne, rosacea and weight gain.

Your skin also becomes dry and thin, and more prone to damage. Dry, scaly skin is not pretty Source.

Meditation and relaxation can help calm your mind and body. If you suffer from psoriasis or rosacea, you know the power stress has over your skin condition- causing flare ups… and more stress:( Beautiful People don’t let the little things get to them! I know, easier said than done!

Get your beauty sleep

Beautiful people make sleep a priority! You can’t feel gorgeous when you’re exhausted! This is so important when it comes to your overall health and well-being.

It’s hard to feel beautiful with dark circles and blood shot eyes. Poor sleep quality can lead to increased stress, breakouts, anxiety and even depression. It also puts you in a bad mood 🙁

Read Beautiful, Self Love Affirmations

Read positive affirmations. Change how you see yourself using the power of positive self-talk.

For Beautiful Skin, Stay Hydrated!

Hydrate. Beautiful people hydrate! If you’re thirsty, you’re probably already dehydrated. Make sure you carry a bottle of water around to sip on to stay hydrated throughout the day. Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks.

Take care of your body

Beautiful people take care of their body! Ten minutes of exercise a day is better than none!

If you don’t have time to go to the gym, just set aside 10 minutes a day to do a simple stretch, or go for a walk around the block. Get your body moving!

Beauty Starts In Your Gut

Improve your gut health. Your gut is the centre of your body and when it’s off balance, so is everything else- including your hair, skin, nails and mind! If you have too much bad bacteria you’ll suffer from acne, inflammation, low energy and other problems.

If You Want To Be Pretty, Eat Healthy

Eat healthy, vibrant foods. A top tip for how to be pretty- You are what you eat!

Truly Beautiful People Are Kind

Give a compliment. Beautiful people make other’s feel good! TRY IT!

When you compliment someone else, somehow you instantly feel better about yourself! Helping others is a beautiful thing! It doesn’t have to be a compliment. Just doing something nice for someone will instantly help you glow up!! You’ll be shining with positive energy!

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